Hot Kakes: Recapping The Kardashians
Hot Kakes: Recapping The Kardashians
Hot Kakes: Another White Mans Podcast
Noelle hosts this weeks episode of the podcast. She is joined by a very special guest, taking yet another mans " The Kardashians virginity". Get ready to dive deep into discussions on wilderness survival, Gyspy Rose Blanchard, and parenting advice from two experts.
Without cameras, it was a big change for us. This is a live, hot take. This is going to be amazing. Let's go. The wind, you guys, this is really necessary. I'm ready. Welcome back to Hot Cakes, everyone. Your favorite sister, Noelle, is here to recap this week's episode of The Kardashians. I have a very, very special guest today, someone who's brand new to the podcast, my husband, Carter. Would you like to introduce yourself, Carter? Yes. I'm Carter. I'm Noelle's husband. This is Carter's first ever podcast debut. Yeah. Um, it's also a very special day because it's his birthday today, y'all. So, I guess I should also announce that Christian has given birth. We were not on the podcast last week because of the 4th of July. And then Morgan's also out of town. Um, on a beach vacation. So I had to pull out the water boy, the fifth stringer to help me out. And he's so kind and gracious supporting women in podcasting, women in business by spending time on his birthday to record with me, to watch the Kardashians for, I think, maybe the first time. Was this your first time watching the Kardashians? Probably from start to finish. Yeah. And it's a good thing too, because. If there's something the world needs more of, it's white dudes on podcasts. So I'm glad that I could do my first podcast because really there's a shortage out there. Yeah, totally. That's so funny. How are you feeling? How are you feeling about being on the podcast today? Good. I listen every week. Yeah. So I've been just Waiting for my chance to break into this. Yeah. Okay. Well, that's exciting and I'm not sure how much that's true Tell us a little bit Carter about your experience with the Kardashians your exposure to them Up until obviously, you know my desires and passions behind the Kardashians. What the, your desires and passions? Or my interest in them, like how, how much have you known of them? You want me to be honest or be honest? Sure. I'm, what, I'm a little bit of a Kardashian hater. Okay. So that's, I hear about them through you obviously, but I'm gonna try to tame that If anything, I try to give them a hard time most of the time. Okay, but your sisters grew up watching the Kardashians. Yeah, yeah, my sisters grew up watching it, so I'd always see it on like while they watched it. They're fans, and I mean, I might have watched a couple episodes with them. I've always known who they are. Yeah, okay. But yeah, I've been more of a hater. I'm gonna tone it down. Thank you. But I've got, I've got some stuff to talk about from the episode. Okay. So. I'm excited to hear your takes. I appreciate your honesty. Carter has said on a few occasions that his least favorite thing about me is my interest in reality TV, of course, including the Kardashians. So, you know, that's, that's where he's coming from.. Okay, anything else you want the listeners to know before we start jumping into this week's episode? Um, I want to keep some mystery behind this. Love it. That's awesome. So we, we start this episode with Chris, um, talking about how she's going to be having her surgery, her ovaries removed. And this is also an interesting episode for us to be recapping because there's a lot of themes around like female empowerment, the experience of a woman throughout different ages of life. And I'm recording with a man. And there's also a lot of themes about parenting and Carter and I don't have any kids. So just take all of our opinions with a grain of salt because we have not had those lived experiences yet. Did you have any thoughts on Chris's surgery like the everything about those conversations? Well, my first, my first thought was a little cynical, maybe, because I was like, why is she freaking out about a surgery so much? This family probably, like, is the top of the chart for number of surgeries had. But, I could get where she's coming from. Like, I think growing old is like, it's hard thing for anybody to accept. And today's my birthday. I'm 28. I feel super old. So like, getting to a point in life where you, there's like certain times where doors are actually closing in your life. And like, when you have to face that reality, it can be hard. So I'll give you some grace there. Like, I can see that it's really a difficult thing. Like, a lot of times when, when times have passed you by, You don't really realize it until like it, it's already happened. Yeah. But this was something that was like right in your face of like, this is a new chapter in your life and you're closing the door on another chapter. Um, and it's very like tangible and real. So I get where she's coming from. Um, and it would be hard, but like, that's just everybody, everybody goes through that throughout life. I mean, it's just part of keeping on and growing old. Yeah, that's true. I kind of had the same initial reaction to actually of like especially for you aren't familiar with this But pretty much every season Chris has some sort of surgery that seemingly like a huge deal last season It was like knee replacement. I can't remember what it was the season before that, but there's always some Medical thing coming up and she does have access to To like the greatest doctors in the world. And she always comes out of the surgery, totally fine. Um, so I kind of had some eye roll moments at beginning as well, but when she's talked about, like, just what this part of her body has done for her, I actually, When I watched last week's episode, which is where it kind of intros that story. I got a little emotional just thinking about how like that is such a crucial part of her story. Like her ovaries are what allowed her to bring in all these children into the world. Some women don't have that opportunity. So I can definitely see like the sentiment behind it as well. What about while we're on the same theme? What about like the ovaries are over party? I thought that was kind of funny. That was nice. A nice gesture. The argument about, like, the eggs, I mean, I don't know where that idea came from, because that doesn't make any sense. At all. Like the rushed nesting doll thing? Well, it basically, like, If that were the case, then there would have been like the original eggs that have just been passed on through every generation ever. Which doesn't make any sense. I still don't even really understand the idea of when a mom has a baby that's a girl, that that baby already has all the eggs. Or is it just that they have the bio matter makeup that will create those eggs? They are born with the eggs. But the eggs aren't developed, like how Chloe was arguing, like, you don't even know the gen like when the gender develops within the baby in utero, that's when, like, the eggs or the sperm I don't know if sperm is the same as, like, guys like, little baby boys come out with the sperm. I don't know, but I do know for that. I don't think you have a limited amount as a guy. Oh, that's true. Girls have a limited amount. Guys are always reproducing. Yeah. But yeah, women you're born with. So that's kind of. Yeah, that's kind of the thing, too, for Chris is like, it's not like she's getting more eggs. I mean, and never has been right. Like that's something that's always been the same. But it was the math was not mathy. And I thought it was funny that they chose to choose Like chose to call Kendall of all people who she's the one that doesn't have any kids, like how is she going to know anything about this? I, I can't imagine going to, uh, 10 years of school and residency to get that, to then be called by the Kardashians and asked if If eggs get passed have been passed down through all generations I wonder how much that call cost I would I would charge him I'd send him a bill That's awesome. Yeah, so that was one of the big storylines Before I guess we move on to the other ones I also appreciated chris having her shopping spree moment with her friends of like 50 years. I thought that was really interesting special to see and just her kind of shedding light on like, no one told me about menopause. No one told me about what aging is, looks like. I was just swept up by this and I love that like, in this day and age, we're actually talking about uncomfortable things or things that might feel embarrassing in the moment. So I, I do appreciate Chris, you had a comment during that of her breaking the fourth wall and just talking straight to the camera. Yeah, that was, that was interesting. Cause they do a good job of pretending the cameras aren't there for the most part. Yeah. The Kardashians do, not their guests. You can tell like all the guests that are on that are not like normal on the show, normally on the show, we call it regulars. They're like all clearly trying to look anywhere else besides the camera, which is. Kind of funny to watch. Here's my two moments I'll point out. And this is, like, you have to actually watch the show, maybe go back From the whole episode? No, from these two things we talked about. Oh, okay. Here's, here's the two moments I'll point out that are, like, little, I thought were funny. One, in that scene you were talking about, everybody go back, watch when they're on the stairs, there's a moment where, like, uh, what's her name? Chris? Chris. Hugs her one friend, and the friend that's, like, a stare up, she, like, just kind of has to sit there and watch them hug first. And I thought of like, it's like the third friend on the sidewalk moment. Yes. To a tee, where you're like, oh, okay, I'll just walk back here while you guys talk and hang out. She just like stood back. That was funny moment. The other moment to rewind back to is, um, what's Chris's husband's name? Um, so that's her boyfriend, Corey. Corey. Um, I don't know what Corey was wearing. He looked like he was going to be a dungeon master Uh, Dungeons and Dragons event, and it was like The Hellfreezer Overparty? Yeah, he had like the weirdest wizard robot, and I swear he was standing in a way that like, he was trying to draw attention to it. He kept holding his arms up, kind of like T Rex arms, like, are you guys seeing how pl how lofty my s my sleeves are? Are you guys seeing this? So I couldn't really focus on anything besides that. His outfit. Yeah, his outfit was really throwing me off. Okay, those are my two call out moments from those scenes. Yeah. Okay, that's awesome You you are like the fashion police to Cory because he's also the oh, yeah Who a few up and I shared a few of the podcast mentioned it how he just it seemed like there was more chains every time It went back to him. Yeah, funny Okay, that's awesome. So the after You know, we intro with Chris and go through all of her ovary story. We also see a little bit of Courtney as she's getting glammed and she's talking about experiencing mom gill at the beginning of the episode. And she's talking to, um, one of their sound operators who she's been friends with and worked with for like 16 years, I think she said, and that's another thing that I really like is when they do break that, is it the fourth wall? When they break the fourth wall and they bring in like, their cutting over to Paxi and she's talking about like, her experience with her baby right now. Um, so I always like to see the behind the scenes in that way. What's your take on mom guilt, Carter? As someone who's never My, it's a real problem in my life. No, I will say this, Courtney was a little passive there. Really? Did you not pick that up? She was like, she was like something something working out and Pax was like, Yeah, I've been working out like I have to work out. Yeah. She's like, oh, do you not have mom guilt? Like that, I thought it was passive. She's basically saying like, oh, you don't love your kids enough that you have mom guilt? Like you're able to work out and not be with them? You didn't pick up on that? I was thinking that she was saying it more of the way of like, I wish I didn't have this mom guilt, like she was feeling. And mom guilt is essentially, you're guilty for being away from your kids. Correct. From my limited understanding. I don't even think I can touch that subject. It's, motherhood confuses me. As it should. Yeah, well, look, because I go back and forth, I feel like a lot of moms are like, I don't know. I don't think we should go there. Yeah, I don't know what I'm talking about. It's a mix between like they. All they want to do is spend time with their kids, but then sometimes they're also like, I've been with my kids all day. I'm like, I need a break. So it's like, I don't know. I can't even comprehend what that would be like. Yeah, me either. It'd be a hard thing to manage. Super hard. Probably one of the hardest balances to find, I would imagine. Look, but, Neither of us can really speak on the subject. I do have something I'm hoping you're going to ask me about. Okay, well, let's see if we can tell you think it is? Who would survive in the wilderness? Yes. Okay, perfect. That's the next thing I was going to talk about. It's about time. So then we, after Courtney gets glammed, we go over to the Hulu promo shoot, which I thought was really fun to see the behind the scenes of. Chloe seemed to be so gracious, just like saying thank you to everyone who was working on the set, which I love to see. I always have gotten that vibe from her. Um, and then they do a funny little segment where they ask everyone who they think would survive in the wilderness of their family. So I don't know if this is the question you're hoping I'll ask her in the way that you want me to, I was going to ask you who you think of my family, the berries would survive in the wilderness, your whole family or just the women. Let's do a whole family and then just the women. Uh, Mick. Okay. Obviously. I mean, that goes, I like you insane. That's what he does for fun. Okay. Okay, so then out of the women. Out of the women? Out of the hosts of this podcast, myself, Morgan Christian, my mom, let's throw in Trish and Sarah. Um, I did not expect this question. Hold on. I'll think out loud here. Yeah, let's hear it. Initial thought is probably, I know Beth has some fishing skills. Um, you, you, you watch alone with me, so hopefully you picked up on something. We go camping all the time. I know, but you're like the passenger princess when we go camping. A lot of the time. That's so true. I mean, I'll say this too. The mental fortitude, let me get some brownie points real quick. Let me shift how I'm sitting. The mental fortitude of a lot of the women in your family is very impressive. Oh yeah. I would say. What makes you say that? Like an example is when we did that ice bath. Yeah. We all did it, and we crushed it. Yeah, every I couldn't do it, and it like, I couldn't last three minutes. And especially like, Trish. Yeah. She has a crazy mental fortitude. She didn't even like, budge. So I think that plays into being able to survive in the wilderness. The way I'm seeing it is like this. Like the show alone is the best example that makes the most sense to me because it's like how long did you last? Let's clarify that you're saying the show that's called alone. Yeah. Yeah. I don't know if anyone's familiar with that It's a show where people They apply and they get sent out into the wilderness alone. Hence the name and they record themselves There's no camera crews nothing like that. And whoever lasts the longest wins like half a million dollars Yeah, it's basically a contest they have 10 survival items They can bring So that's what he's referring to. And people have done, I've seen someone last a hundred days, which is crazy. I mean, they build their own shelters and everything. So that's the setting that I'm thinking of because like, I mean, pretty much anyone can survive for like three days. Like you don't just die from being out there, but who could last the longest without tapping out? Out of us girls. Out of you girls. Or maybe who do you think would tap out first? I know the answer to that. You do? Yeah. I think Sarah. Yeah, definitely Sarah. Um, I think Sarah. Not because the mental, she has a very strong mental fortitude as well. She's just limited in her like outdoor wilderness experience. Yeah, I think, I think you, Christian and Morgan would all be pretty close together. I think that I, I think the only thing holding Beth Barry back is, Her back and feet issues. But other than that, I might put my money on Beth. Like a healthy Beth, I think I maybe have my money on Beth. Cause she's also able to keep a really positive attitude. That's true. But I don't know if she could last that long without someone else to talk to. If I'm being realistic, I think that, I think that Christian would outlast me. I don't know. I think, okay. I think that it would go like this. Sarah goes out first. Then Morgan and I, I don't know in which order, then Trish, Trish doesn't really love like camping and outdoor stuff But she does she's extremely mentally tough. Um, she's given birth three times naturally and would do it again Like she's a beast. Um, and Then tied to last the longest would maybe be my mom and Christian. Yeah So if that's not the question you thought I was gonna ask, what were you hoping it was? You Well, I didn't, I didn't think you were going to ask a question, essentially, but I thought we'd just talk about the Kardashians. My thing is, I don't think, I think Khloe maybe can make it 24 hours. The rest of them, not even. But you're saying that the Berry girls, we could make it three days. Oh. Hmm. Yeah. Given, let's, we're, we're, we're using the parameters of a loan. So you have a sleeping bag. You have some things to like, boil water in and chop wood in. I give you guys. At least three days. Max. Like, the longest person would be three days. Yeah, I would say at least three days. Okay. You know, that's respectable. Even though people who actually apply to be on this show alone will tap out before 24 hours. So maybe we're being generous. The earlier seasons. Lately, they last a while. It depends on the climate I'm working with. Okay. But I do consider myself somewhat an expert on this subject because I watched back in the day, Survivor Man, Men vs. Wild, Man vs. Wild. Is that Bear Grylls? Bear Grylls. Uh, never really gotten to Naked and Afraid. How many seasons of Survivor have I watched? So true. At least 10. Yeah. Um, so I've been around the block when it comes to TV shows about people being in the wilderness. What you're saying is that wilderness reality TV is your forum. Yes. And I'm saying, I don't think any of the Kardashians could make it I, like, the skills that are needed, I don't think they have any of them, or any relative sense of even what it would be like. It's also different if it's a survival circumstance, like your fight or flight takes over versus like, oh, I'm opting in to test this out and I know that someone could come pick me up at any minute. Yeah, that's the difference. That's true. So that's more just like a Sticking it out. Yeah, so I don't know. I mean i'm also an eagle scale. So There it is. There it is everyone. They don't hand that out to anybody So that's that was my point. I was like, I think they're all really Overestimating themselves. I like their confidence, but but like being a beast doesn't mean anything in that setting Like you got to have you got you just have to have knowledge of how to survive. Yeah So that's why you're saying like trish being a beast will only take her so far Yeah, she may have knowledge. I don't know. I thought that was fun though. Like that was a good segment. Um, and But I think I mean, maybe it's a low hanging fruit to be like, no, they wouldn't make it a day But I really don't think they would like I think they are the epitome of non survival outdoors people like Well, they don't have to, so why would they? Exactly. Yeah. They're the furthest thing removed in our society from someone who like lives off the land and in nature. Totally. No, you're right. Absolutely. Absolutely. Yeah, that was a fun one. Thanks for, um, indulging me in my questions. So, after the Hulu promo shoot, we go into Chloe's trailer with Kim for a little bit. This is another thing I don't think we'll talk a ton about just because of our lack of experience with parenting. But for those of you who have been listening along this whole season, it's been a common conversation between myself, Morgan, and Christian and just Morgan and Christian standing firm on, like, rules, help children develop, like, all Team Chloe schedules. And so it's, it was nice to see Kim finally come around to that and be like, yeah, I limited screen time and it was horrible for a week. But now they. Like now we're actually having peace and they're less bratty and they're less Annoying and all this stuff. So I was happy to see Kim finally come to her senses and also To hear that Kim's finally been to therapy Carter this is something that blew my mind that I learned this season is that Kim has never been to therapy And apparently she just went to one session with this woman, which is, it just blew my mind. Cause she's someone who definitely needs it. So I'm glad that she at least went for one and seemed to have gotten something out of it. I don't know if you have, you haven't really been following that story since this is the first episode you watched. No, it's safe to say I've not been following that story. You haven't been following the story. You haven't been listening to our podcast. Well, I want to ask this. Okay. Who's the problem child? They were like coming out and saying it. Is it North? No, I don't think it's North. I think it's Psalm and Saint. So are they both Kanye's kids? They're all of her children are Kanye's. Uh, sorry. Yay. Yay. Yeah. Mr. West. Um, and I, just from a little bit of what we've seen, those two boys can be like really rowdy and bratty, but she doesn't, they're also not on the show a lot. We've just only seen them a little bit and they, when I have seen them, they are on a device and like, Whining about it to their mom. So I I'm thinking that the screen time has just been like a really big battle for her. And how could it not be? Like, I totally understand the argument of like, it's easier for the mom. Honestly, like it's not better for the child long term or for the mom long term, but short term it's so much easier to be like. Just take my phone and like shut up. So I can see how that would be a struggle. Yeah, for sure I mean, I don't think I don't think moms need to be ashamed of using screens Like I think there is a little bit of shame around it Yeah, Kim even was like my kids aren't my kids aren't on screens that much They're not like she tried to like hide it It's like don't be shamed like they're gonna need they need those are skills They need to learn to like they need to be technically adapt adept Like if a kid doesn't know how to use Computers, phones, all that. Yeah, they're gonna have, like, a kid that had none of that, if you raise a kid in a cabin in the wilderness, they're gonna be way worse off. Yeah. Obviously, there's a lot of, like, negative influences that they won't be open to. They're gonna be way worse off than a kid that's, like, regularly on a screen. It's gonna be a part of their life and it's only gonna get more and more integrated. Yeah. So, in my opinion, it's like, eh, you know, screen times, Not that big of a deal. Yeah, well, it's kind of like the kids who never had sugar. Yeah, and then like they're not allowed to have sugar ever and then they show up to like a church event This is always what I would experience and then they're just like Stuffing their face with all the sugar all this and it's just kind of like the over Um overuse so I think kim trying to find this balance of like, okay, they can be on their screens and Not overuse. I don't know like I think it's a good thing to look at but I agree with you moms should never be shamed and That was a big part of this too throughout the season It's like Kim and Chloe kind of going back and forth mom shaming each other So for there to be like this good resolution, I'm happy about so Let's talk a little bit about um The next part of the episode since we've covered all of the ovary storyline chloe with her fabletics partnership um, I didn't have a ton of thoughts about it just Aside from it attesting to that chloe cares about what she invests her time her time in And so she's not gonna just go out and do A trillion partnerships that she maybe doesn't actually care about or doesn't feel true to her life So I thought that that was fun to see because we all know that she loves to work out It's a huge part of her life Yeah, I didn't really have any opinions on that I mean like I think I think a lot of people that are in this space of like feeling being an affiliate affiliate Like she is i'm sure um They like to say the same thing since she's like I only try to promote things that I actually like myself You Yeah, I think that's like a luxury like there's definitely people who are creators That kind of have to take whatever brand deal they can get. Yeah, like i'll be watching Youtube, I love youtube videos like i'll be watching youtube. It'll be like about golf or like Fishing and camping or something the things i'm interested in and then they'll be like Want to take a second to sponsor, to shout out our sponsor Raid Shadow Legends. And it's like this weird video game that like clearly they don't play and it's not, doesn't fit their target market at all. I'm like, okay, yeah, I get that you have, you're just whatever brain deal comes your way, you're going to take. So just fast forward through it. But like as you get bigger and bigger, you have the luxury of being selective. And so bigger celebrities like this, they have that luxury. So she said it was like a learning curve, but it's probably a little bit of both. Right. Yeah, I'm sure you learned but yeah, also you just had more stuff coming at you It's like actors with movies like when they don't have a movie coming up. They'll take whatever they can get That's a really good comparison And it is funny I like her just calling back to that because I don't know if you remember any of this But since i've watched the kardashians forever, it feels like there were times where I was like really kim Like what are we doing? We're sponsoring sketchers You Um, like just moments like that, or, um, I know that Chloe would do a lot with like weight loss, like brand deals and things, um, which I do before we move on from this topic, I do want to mention that it sounds like from her interview on talking about a healthy, balanced lifestyle that she's not on ozempic. She said, yeah, back when I was in a bigger body and before I actually started exercising, I probably would have tried ozempic. I tried every other. Trendy weight loss product at the time. So that the way she was speaking of it makes me feel like she's not on it, which is something that we've taught, like myself and my sisters have talked a little bit about this season. Um, because Scott has been really openly on it. So I would, I mean, I guess not really openly, but he's not trying to hide that he's on it. So that was kind of comforting peace of mind to hear that Chloe's still doing a healthy balance. Um, rather, rather than utilizing ozempic when I really don't think that that's necessary for her. So, let's talk about the, the GRB of it all. Miss Gypsy Rose Blanchard comes on to the episode. Are you familiar, Carter, with like Kim's work in prison reform? I am familiar, Noel. I, uh, I saw something about it once. Maybe it was you had the show on. Yeah. I think she went to like a luncheon with like a bunch of people or something. So I do remember that she was a part of that. Yeah, because I wondered if Gypsy Rose being on was like super random for you or if you were able to kind of, you know, No, I think I knew that was something she supported, she supported from seeing that clip of one episode. Like, I think I was in the room while you were watching it. That wasn't super surprising. Um, gypsy Rose is like a whole can of worms. Yeah, that's a whole can of worms. Give me your take on it. Well, as, as, uh, wrapped up as you can. Okay. Well that just changes everything. It's gimme my whole take on it. Just give the whole take. Give No, no, no. So here's, you wanna hear, I mean, this is your time, I think. It's a very interesting case. We listened to that interview with her. We listened to her when she was on Nick Vial's podcast Vial Files with her At the time husband Michael was his name. I think his name was Michael. I can't remember for sure. So I was I was cool with her then Michael seemed like a nice guy and from what i've heard she They were talking trash on her like ex fiancee That she was supposed to get married to out of uh prison You But then she broke it off with him and he was a loser, whatever. Apparently she left Michael and went back with that dude. Oh, so his name's actually Ryan. His name is Ryan? Yeah. Okay. Well, Ryan. And so that wasn't cool. Cause I thought Ryan was a cool guy and he seemed to be like a good thing for her. But I don't know her, her case. Honestly, you should be studying like philosophy classes of like what is what is ethical and what is not and like totally very interesting like Situation what they call it the Manchurian. Oh, yeah Whatever it was called doesn't matter but like not a super frequent thing where where parents are gonna like pretend their children is sick But like as the child in that was she I mean I guess the thing that I'm getting at is like do we feel like eight years was enough? You Yeah, because like she's openly open that she committed a crime but like how much of the murder is on her hands Yeah, and like there's a lot of she's had a lot of spotlight. She said shows Documentaries all these things so like that's the I think that's the draw of her case is like which side are you on? Yeah Um, so which side are you on? I don't know. I think I think I'm gonna advocate for like self defense Being important. I don't know how it plays out in this case, but like Sometimes it's not always as simple just to be like, why wouldn't you just, if you, why don't you just stand up or call your dad, like they said, but like, Within abusive relationships, I think it's like, it's way too complex to just be like, oh, just leave. Yeah. Like you can't, you wouldn't say to that someone who you wouldn't set someone who was like in a domestic abuse relationship with like a spouse. She's a child. She was a child. Yeah. She's a child. She doesn't know any better. Her, her only lifeline was her mom too. So like that was like her whole, if she leaves her mom, where does she go? You know, so I don't know. I think she It's it's a double edged sword because like she only did eight years and she was pretty much involved with a murder, with a murder. She was. But also it was kind of self defense because she didn't really have a way out and she was being like terribly abused. And here's the question though, because I recently watched the act on Hulu, not that long ago, and like whenever she came out of prison, I was like, okay, let me hear this story. Let me figure out what's going on. And her mom, Didi was She was not heading in a positive direction. So a big part of me just wonders like, what about nature taking its course? How far away would she have been from freedom with her mother passing of natural causes? Cause her mom was from what the show depicted, like using treatment for diabetes and all of these things. And so her movement was already limited. I mean, getting worse. Honestly, after watching that show, I am not Team Gypsy. Um, Dorian, he is one of my best friends, watched it with me while he was in town. And we just, like, felt very strongly that eight years wasn't enough. We felt that the person who committed the crime with her was heavily manipulated by her. Um, and had a lot of his own, you know, You know problems as well. And so it was really just like the worst storm like scenario. Yeah Well, here's here's the other thought I have from that. I also Just have been I don't feel comfortable It's not a podcast unless we interrupt each other, right? Okay, go. I'm just kidding. I don't feel comfortable with her becoming like this celebrity after it all. Okay, well that's what I was going to say. Is, this is something that's like really interesting. I would say from like the TikTok era on. Her TikTok era? No, just like TikTok becoming popular. Because I think the thing that TikTok brought into the picture was videos go viral on TikTok so much easier than any other platform. Yeah. Because it's like Instagram does this now with Reels, but before TikTok, no, you wouldn't get like videos and pictures really of just like other people on your main feed. Like unsolicited. Yeah, unsolicited. They, TikTok is serving these up to you, right? So then like all the other social media platforms had followed suit. But before it was like, you would just basically see who you follow. Then you could go to the explore page, but like. So what I'm getting at is like, it's really interesting in this day and age to see people like, we're used to reading about these people in articles. Like journalists write about the cases, you hear about what happens in court, you see it on the news, but you never like, have a direct line, primary source from the people. But now in 2024 she gets on Tik Tok and like, she can get a huge following and basically we'll have that following the rest of her life. And I don't know if she makes money off it now, but like has that ability to, and people like, I was thinking about, imagine if Ted Bundy had like a Tik Tok. Okay. Well that is different. No, I'm saying like these, these figures that are figures for like, Crime, negative circumstances or like, you know, people are drawn to what's, um, obscure within like our world. It's out of the norm. So serial killers or just cases like this where it's very, um, What's the word? Debatable. Yeah. And so controversial. Anyway, she's got, she has like a TikTok phone. You can go and look at her page. You can go see things she posts on Instagram. Like she talks about posting a selfie and I'm like, that's, that is such a weird thought to think of that. That's probably, it's gonna be that way from now on. Yeah. For the rest Yeah, it does make it like much more of a it's just new like we've never experienced that before and because her case was So big and like TV shows were made after while she was in prison Um, I do want to say even though I'm out here having the take that I'm not for gypsy I do think that since she has this platform I can't take it away from her if she could use that for something positive Such as like getting therapy into prison. That was That was insane to hear that they said she was not fit for one on one therapy or not qualified I think was the term. Yeah. That was insane to me. Yeah, that's pretty crazy. And I do want to say too Gypsy if you're listening to this, I don't necessarily share the opinion of my wife. So don't come after us. Okay? She, it'll probably find its way to her for sure. We're just, we're really big right now. So. But any conclusion on that, what I'm trying to say is it's very weird that I have a direct source. Like I can go see posts from Gypsy Rose. Did you know that she's pregnant? I didn't. I haven't. It just was announced like two days ago on her Instagram. With Ryan? Her new mans. And people have been doing the math and it's a little unclear if she isn't being loyal to Ryan. Because how'd she get pregnant this first? That's unfortunate. So, or how has she been pregnant this long, I should say. That's why I'm team Ryan. Yeah. Poor guy. Okay. Well, that's kind of where the episode ended. Um, and it looks like next week we'll get to hear more about Courtney in Australia and what that experience is going to be like for her. Um, hopefully have at least one of the sisters back with me. I'm not sure how long Christian will want to take for her maternity leave, but we want to give her all the time that she needs. Carter, thank you so much for being on with me today. Is there any last things that you want to share? Your first ever podcast, I think you killed it. Um, I would just like to leave with these words. You miss 100 percent of the shots you don't take. Yes. Michael Jordan, Michael Scott. Oh my gosh. I didn't have anything to say. No, nothing to wrap. Um, I guess it's a good episode. Great to see the updates from when I saw 15 minutes here and there when my sisters were watching it 10 years ago, 15 years ago to now. Do you think you'll ever do it again with us? What if the people love you and they're like, we need more Carter. Will you watch more episodes? Record more episodes? Sure, that's what people ask for. Really? I don't, I don't think it's gonna be a problem, but. You heard it here first, folks. Leave reviews, leave comments for Carter. Thank you so much for using your birthday evening to record this with me. Such a great husband, and we usually end up the podcast by saying, K, love you, bye. I can say it? I'm allowed to? K, love you, bye. K, love you, bye.