Hot Kakes: Recapping The Kardashians
Hot Kakes: Recapping The Kardashians
The Kardashians: Mom Shamming
On this episode of Hot Kakes Noelle and Morgan share their takes on the mom shamming battle between Kim and Khloe.... Spoiler alert we are so not team Kim right now.
Without cameras, it was a big change for us. This is a live, hot take. This is going to be amazing. Let's go. The wind, you guys, this is really necessary. I'm ready. Hello, welcome back to Hot Cakes. We are two sisters recapping every episode of Hulu's The Kardashians. We have myself, Noelle, the youngest of the sisters, and our middle sister, Morgan, today. How are you feeling, Morgz? Exhausted. Oh, God. I know we're not supposed to talk about how tired we are. Okay, listen, we have like five reviews in total and one of them said low energy, so we were like, we cannot talk about being tired at all. Well, I have been solo parenting all day today. I literally just put my kids to bed and came downstairs to record. So yeah, sorry. I'm a little worn out. Oh yeah. And I facetimed her a few times today and I feel like she's been, it's not like you were solo parenting from the couch. Like you've been out, out, out getting shit done today. Yeah. For some reason, I've had like this. Something overcome me where I just want to get things taken care of in my house. And maybe it's the nesting of knowing that another kid is going to come join us, but I just want to get organized, organize like all these organization projects that I've been wanting to do, just kind of better general cleanliness that has fallen to the wayside. So I really have this week, I feel like worked super hard and gotten a lot done. So it feels good, but yeah, I'm not, I Not, not a lot of downtime over here. What trimester are you in? Um, end, end of the two. End of the second, approaching the third. Okay. Cause I've actually heard from other pregnant people about like a burst of energy and I wonder if it's around the time that you're at right now of like, okay, let's get this stuff taken care of while I still can. Yeah, that's probably true. Like, everyone always feels the best in the second trimester. And that's definitely the case. I feel really good. Like, my body, even my body aches have been very minimum as of late. So I am just trying to capitalize on that. Good for you. That's awesome. How's your week been? Let's see. It's been good. Um, I went out of town for the weekend, got to reconnect with our dad unexpectedly, wasn't like planning on seeing him for a few more months, so it was nice to see him and be with some family. Um, what else has happened? Just been working, working, trying to like organize my schedule for July to go on some trips, which I'm looking forward to. I think I'm gonna go see Christian, the baby. Um, so I'm really excited for that. Thanks. Yeah, I guess I should go ahead and say, so, a week from today is the 4th of July. Right. So, sadly, we will not have an episode out next week. We're gonna give ourselves the holiday off, um, but we'll do maybe a doubleheader the following week to get, get all of our thoughts from these episodes out there. Yeah, sorry, you know, the 4th of July is just a big ask. Oh, yeah. So, not gonna happen. Mm mm. I feel like your summer work schedule is so nice, though. Oh, it's everything to me. I, so, I'm a therapist, obviously. And people, shocker, are not that depressed in the summer. So like in the fall and winter months, I swear I'm working like 12 hour days back to back sessions, but in the summer people go on trips, kids are out of school, so everyone kind of just takes a little break from therapy and I really don't mind it at all. Um, so I, like on Tuesday, I had three sessions and I just hit the pool the rest of the day. It's awesome. So nice. And then you're going to see the baby that's still not here yet. Yeah, we should have pressured Christian to record today. We didn't even ask her because we just already assumed that she would be at home with a newborn baby. So both of our, our picks, I thought she was going to go into labor over the weekend. Didn't happen. You thought Tuesday, Tuesday, which would have been a good call because she actually had an induction scheduled for Tuesday, but then she got bumped. Mm hmm. And so last I heard, she had some contractions last night for a couple hours and then they stopped, but she has an induction scheduled tomorrow. I don't see or see them bumping her again since today was her actual due date, so hopefully baby girl is here tomorrow. Yeah, I also hope she comes tonight because Carter put his money on Thursday. Oh, okay. And it's not too late. We still have a few more hours in the day. For sure. But I know that I considered asking her. I was like, well, maybe we could just laugh so much together. It would put her into labor or something like that. She ain't in the mood, I can tell y'all. Every single be real is her flipping off the camera saying pregnant. Yeah. I know. I feel terrible for her, especially because you just get kind of anxious and excited. And so when nothing is happening, you're just like, what is going on? So anyways, that's a, it's a rough position to be in. Sorry, I am realizing that I am hitting the stage where I'm constantly out of breath. So if you hear me taking these big, deep gasps, or you just hear me huffing and puffing, I apologize. There's not a whole lot I can do about it. Not that being me without even being pregnant, I've always been a heavy breather. I didn't even notice, so that's probably why. Okay, good. I'm trying to think if I have any other updates. Just getting still settled into the new house, loving it. Yeah, nothing else. I check for dogs every single morning when I wake up. Really? Yep. I'm just keeping an eye out, um, because We've kind of talked about waiting till the end of August because we have some trips planned. However, I'm like, if the right litter comes up, I bet we would do it before if we found the right girl, so. Drop comments on suggested dog's names because I've started brainstorming some ideas. Do you have any leading names as of now? Yes. Carter really likes Lady. Cute. Which I love, but feels super basic. I really like Madam, um, if you've ever watched. Okay, so along the same vein. Yeah, but it's more unique than Lady. Like, I feel like I know multiple people who have had a dog named Lady for obvious reasons. Okay, what's Madam from? Um, sex education. Oh, I haven't watched it. It's so funny. It's definitely an adult show, but it's really good. And one of my favorite characters has a dog named madam and it kind of becomes like this important relationship in his life with his dog. And I was like, that's such a cute name. So madam. And then I also like the name Friday, which Christian love Friday. Yeah. So that's kind of the vibe. Something playful. I, I don't like human names for dogs, but I also don't want it to be like too outlandish. So. Yeah. I always thought I was going to name my dog after something that was like meaningful to me, like a book character name that I wouldn't use on a child. I don't think I could ever name my child after a book character just because I don't know. That's like writing a story for them. Yeah. Yeah. It's just. So I was like, Oh, I want to name my dog Bilbo. I thought Bilbo was such a cute dog name and the character Bilbo Baggins and the Hobbit is such a good character, but my dog, Remy. He is not a Bilbo. He ain't a Bilbo. What would be a Bilbo? High energy? Bilbo's definitely a small dog. I feel like a small little fluffy dog. Ours is a big fluffy dog. But yeah, then Remy is just some random name that I came up with. I love it. So I didn't name him after a character. I actually said for a while like, Oh, it's Remy short for Remus, which is a Harry Potter character. But still, not true. I kind of thought about it after the fact. You're like, oh wait, now this makes sense. Yeah, that's funny. I need to start watching more like movies or reading books with dogs in them to get names and spo. But I always get a little wary of that because, you know, it usually has a sad ending or something. True. Wait, so when we were on FaceTime earlier, my daughter thought we were matching when we weren't exactly, but now you are wearing the tank top that I'm wearing. I changed into it. She inspired me. She's like, you guys are matching. And I was just wearing a different color of the same tank top. Um, but little did she know I also have that color. I went to Target, bought these tank tops in like four different colors and I wear them every day. They're so good. So cute. Okay. Well, are you ready for us to dive into this episode of the Kardashians? I have a lot of thoughts today. Yeah. Every time you start out like that, I just think you're going to say the fast five stories that we need to know. And the fast five stories that you need to know are brought to you by exactly. Yeah. If you know, you know, we're diehard toasters. And we're just living on a pipe dream to become them one day. Right. Wannabes over here. Yeah. Okay, so, we start out the episode with, um, Chloe and Kim checking in on Kourtney and how she's doing postpartum, and she shares about her whole 40 day mantra, and how in different cultures, like women, approach postpartum a lot differently. Um, and I wanted to talk to you about it because I've never had a child. I've been around a lot of women who have had children and I feel like I understand postpartum more than those who haven't been around it as much as I have. What do you think? So 40 days is a month and a half. Yeah. Okay. Of not leaving the house at all. That's pretty crazy to think about. But honestly, with my first kid, that probably almost happened. Not exactly, because we went and hung out with some friends and stuff, but there was nothing. Pushing us to get out of the house because it was COVID it was COVID. We didn't have any other kids. My husband took like four weeks of paternity leave. I think that's amazing. So it was like just a month of laying around with a newborn and it was really magical. So I, I do understand that. Like if you have that. available to you, why not? For us mere mortals who don't have the support or like just the fact that her kids were older, they have a dad that lives outside the home that, you know, they were probably spending a lot of time with. Yeah. When you have other young kids, you can't sit at home, unfortunately. So. Yeah, I'm hoping I'm hoping to send my older girls to my parents house for a week So like I'll be happy if I can get a week at home with my baby. Yeah, that's true it's just it was interesting for me because I get the sentiment of it for sure of just like Soaking up all of that quality time And at the same time for my mental health like being out and like running an errand and obviously it's a whole thing New ball game with a newborn by your side, but I feel like just leaving the house and seeing other people granted She's seeing a ton of people in her house. I don't know like I yeah, maybe if I had that money I would do it, but I just thought that was interesting to think about 40 days. I've also heard about different cultures people checking into Like a, it's almost like a hotel for moms. How I've seen those popping up around here. Really? Yeah, but I mean, they're luxury. So it's like, again, you have to have the money for it, but yeah, like from the hospital, essentially you go to this luxury hotel where they bring you meals. They have a masseuse, they have lactation consultants, and I believe they have a nursery as well for you to send the baby to just for an extra couple of days of recovery. So, I mean, the idea of that is nice as well. Yeah. This, the whole theme of this episode was moms. Like, so, I'm sure we'll just continue to talk about that even more, but that was interesting to me. I love Courtney, and it was interesting to hear about, like, her attachment parenting approach. I feel like she didn't go into that much detail about it, but just the fact of, You know, he doesn't really leave her side, which most newborns don't. Yeah. I haven't heard that phrase before attachment parenting. So I don't really know what that means outside of like, maybe in her, her reality, a lot of people rely on nannies heavily. Yeah. Whereas again, us just everyday people are, are already having to be attached to our kids. There's not really an alternative. Yeah. I guess instead of, you know, Bouncing back and forth. We can just stick with Courtney for a while because later in the episode, we see her, you know, trying on an outfit for her first time leaving and Chris and they talk about the night nannies or she, so that's what Chris said. She was like, you don't have a nanny that can travel or a night in. And she's like, no, I just don't have a nanny at all right now for him. Right. Yeah, it was so power to her. Like, I, I think that's nice. Again, she doesn't have like her older kids are at good ages where they aren't super reliant on her for their everyday necessities and needs. So I think that's awesome for her that she got to. You know, be that hands on with her, with her newborn. It was interesting to hear them talking about like postpartum bodies as well. I don't know if you caught this, but, um, you know, Courtney says if I, if I do care about my pre baby weight, I'm 10 pounds away from that. And of course you care. Yes. Yes, I felt like they weren't really, I felt like they weren't seeing eye to eye in that conversation. No, like Courtney is just saying, Oh, you know, like I've been relaxing. I've been walking a little bit with the baby, but there's been no pressure. I'm taking care of my body. I'm giving myself good nutrients for my milk supply, but I'm not trying to lose weight. I've been there, done that. That's the culture culture right now, but that's not what I want. And. Chris was by no means negative. She was very positive and supportive, but just, it came from a slightly different place of like, well, of course you want to lose that 10 pounds and Pilates will help you get there with your vagina intact. Yeah, I was, I don't know, that stirred something up inside of me. And I also, I, I wonder this would maybe change when, if I ever am pregnant or when I am pregnant one day of like, because right now I don't own a scale and I don't weigh myself and I haven't known like the number of. I could give you a guesstimate, but I don't know exactly how much I weigh and haven't for like, probably three years, two or three years. Yeah. It's just something about a year ago. I did a training on eating disorders and just got me real riled up. And so the scale that we did have that Carter would use at times, I literally took to the dumpster. I was like get this out of my house. Um, so I wonder as like someone who is pregnant. Is that like an important thing? Do they weigh you a lot at your appointments to make sure you're gaining appropriate weight for the baby or? Yeah they do weigh you and even like in one of my first couple appointments I had like Gone down a pound and a half or two pounds or something for my last appointment and they're like, yeah So you you know you lost weight and I'm like, I don't lose weight like people fluctuate a pound and a half Throughout the day. Yeah You're acting like I'm down like I just went to the bathroom Actually, I'm like I came here right after lunch my last appointment. Yeah, and now I'm here in the morning like that's the difference So they, they do try to, they do track it, but like outside of that one appointment, they haven't talked to me at all about my weight. They were just maybe worried, like make sure you're, it's not uncommon for women to lose weight during the first trimester. And if, if you are losing weight because you don't have an appetite or you're throwing up a lot, like that's something they want to know about because they want to make sure that they're doing what they can to make sure you're still getting your body, what it needs. That makes sense. Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. Yeah, that was interesting. But again, just loving Courtney's take on all of it. And it was funny because they pulled up that cover shoot that she did, I believe, post Mason. And I vividly remember that episode. Her running in the sand. And like almost passing out. Yeah. Starving herself and what that ingrained in all of us. Right. Like it's, I mean, Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I think she's trying to undo some of the damage that she caused in contributing to, like, this huge societal issue, but just loving her every bit we get to see. I did not like seeing her standing there in that corset. I'm like, get that thing off your body. That looks so bad. So uncomfortable. What did you think? Okay. Sarah texted me about her veins on her boobs. That's normal for breastfeeding, right? And just while you're pregnant, you are, your blood volume increases, like, like triples or something. So that's why you start getting all these super vivid veins across your chest and your stomach. Yeah. Oh my gosh. Yeah. Wow. That's crazy. Yeah. Sarah, Sarah's like, I, I don't really have boobs and I've obviously never had a kid. So like, is that like, what was going on there? I'm like, no, I'm pretty sure I've seen Morgan and Christian's boobs like that. Yeah. Part of breastfeeding era as well. Yeah. Those were definitely breastfeeding boobs. And you know, again, like if you're not a really big chested person to begin with, it might not be as obvious. Sure. But, um, That's what that was. Good for her. Go off. Slay. Okay. Do you want to talk about Kendall and Kylie first or Khloe and Kim? Kendall and Kylie because I feel like Khloe and Kim goes throughout the entirety of the episode. Okay, so Kendall and Kylie just have a cute little cooking moment commercial for 818 type of thing. Loving Kendall's kitchen. That's my first thought. Oh, I was too overwhelmed with like all the people in there. They had filming and lighting and stuff. I couldn't, I didn't even notice her kitchen. It looked so good. It just like this really pretty emerald green, um, cabinets and everything. But I thought it's funny to, they've been doing this more in the past few episodes to watch them like call back to things that they know have gone viral and actually like, again, breaking that fifth wall. So talking about the cucumber situation and just them being a better chef. I mean, I think, I like to think that if I had a chef on hand, then maybe I could find the desire to like cooking, but since it's required of me to survive, I just can't find it in me like Kylie has. No, I, I do not like cooking either. So I'd like to actually see her cook a meal. I wonder if they did anything in that little 818 video they were making besides chitchat, but power to her. I mean, I feel like I've heard her say this before, so I do think it's true, but how often are they actually cooking on a regular basis? Yeah. Yeah. I thought that was kind of funny. And then Kylie asked to get off the plane on the way to Aspen. I'm glad they called it out for what it was. All the sisters just being like, this is Kylie being Kylie. Like she decides to bail at the last minute and will use kind of any excuse to do it. I agree with that. However, I do want to say, I hate driving in snow. Granted, she wouldn't be driving, but I don't even like riding in snow either. So when they talked about having to drive three hours in a snowstorm, that also, like, was stressing me out. Someone said it was a snowstorm. That was Did you see when they land? Yeah, it was like clear skies, beautiful, not even fresh snow on the ground. What? Yes, there was. The whole runway was covered in snow. It was snowy because it was winter, but it wasn't like it had just snowed. I don't know. All I know is that one day, the first year of being married, I woke up and I was going to work, which is only like 15 minutes away. And I go out there and it's freaking snowing. And I started sobbing and woke Carter up and made him drive me to work because it's so scary. No, I hate driving in the snow too, for sure. I, I have, I've wiggled around out there, slid off the road. It's not fun and it's something I panic about, but if, if Kendall's not getting off the plane, then Kylie can stay on the plane. Kendall's the real anxiety ridden one. That's a good point. Go. Yeah, that's a good point. I thought it was funny hearing them like harass her about how they're gonna wear all of her clothes. I know. I hope this is sisterhood. Close friends story. Oh yeah. Mess with her. Yeah, definitely. But and I just hate, like, that's Kylie's one downside. We love when Kylie's there, but the fact that she bails so easily is really frustrating. It really is. Really frustrating. I guess. I don't know. I don't have a lot of thoughts on the whole Christmas Eve party. We've seen this for decades. Um, it's funny since we're talking about snow is what me reminded me of that part of the episode. The, the little competition between all of them on the wrapping paper is cute. That I like. I think maybe we should adopt that. I was thinking the same thing. It's something that makes Christmas magical, like packages being wrapped, and I feel like it's too often that we take the easy way out. Yep. Grab a bag, stuff some tissue paper in it. And that was just so pretty. And there is such pretty wrapping paper. Oh yeah. Well, Trish, our sister in law, she really inspired me cause she does gorgeous bows on like with a real ribbon and everything on hers. Um, and so my first year being married. I had this great idea, you know, it was like my first Christmas in my house with a husband. And so I got us, I got different ribbons for each person that the gift was for. So I ended up wrapping my own, well, I had Carter wrap the presents that were for me, but set them in a pile. So I'm like, okay, I put my ribbon on this one, his ribbon. And then we had some family gifts to exchange. So they had different ribbons too. And I thought that that was really fun. So I like this. I like this idea for us. I agree. Like, it is a good way to identify who's it from or who's it for. I've heard of people doing like having Santa wrapping paper. We grew up in a house where Santa gifts weren't wrapped, but like they would have a specific paper that was like, this is if it's in this paper, it's from Santa. Oh, that's cute. But Cole is actually really, really good at wrapping gifts. Like, I think it just has something to do with the fact that he's very good at like kind of puzzles and angles and folding. Like he's just kind of technical like that. So he is really good at wrapping gifts. I remember the Christmas before we were about to get engaged, he got me a necklace. And it was wrapped in a box and he like wrapped the lid and wrapped the bottom so that it opened. It was so good. I was like, wait, did they wrap this for you? Whenever you bought it, he was like, no, I wrapped it. I did not believe him for years until I saw him wrap it, wrap a gift. Wow. Now that's a quality that you're not thinking about that you should be thinking about when you're looking for a man. Yeah. I have him like, he's our, Our big rapper in the house. I have him wrap all the girls gifts. The only gifts I wrap are the ones that are for him. For him. And they look like crap. Yeah, but it could be a fun thing for us to do together. You know, him and I like pick out what we want it to look like and then wrap them together. And if we made it a competition. Then everyone would be getting involved and excited about it. Cause we're, one thing about us is we are a competitive family. Yeah. I don't know what we're getting out of this competition, but Bragging rights. I was thinking about it as I was watching this episode. I'm a very nostalgic person for Christmas and holidays in general. She is. Sorry. And the Kardashians are as well. Like, as you were looking back at all of their, their pictures from Christmas Eve parties past and everything, they just, They just cherish those moments. They love the Santa Claus. They love the gifts and that's just kind of how I feel like it's something that brings you together every year. It's something that you can look back on and remember that we've been doing this one aspect of Christmas since I was five years old. And then we've added these new things here and there. Like, I love that. Yeah, I, I'm not built the same. I think maybe I would be if I had all that money. I don't, for me, I like having different experiences for Christmas or else they all just blur together and it doesn't feel nostalgic to me. It just feels like same old, same old. The Christmases. Or the one Christmas that stands out to me. It's like one of my best Christmases when everyone else was with their in laws and it was me and Travis and our parents and we went on a cruise and we did bring like the Christmas spirit. I got us, um, Hawaiian Christmas shirts, which were super cute and everyone on the cruise loves them. That's my vibe. However, I could get down for something that like, We don't necessarily have to be at the same location every year to do the wrapping. Right? Like, even if we did do a tropical Christmas, we could still have the wrapping competition going on. Fair. Fair. And I, and I am not someone who will put my foot down and say, no, if it's not a traditional Christmas, I'm not doing it. But especially now, as I have kids, I'm like, my desire for traditional Christmas has been reignited. I feel like you do put your foot down on, like, any time I'm like, trying to talk into the family, into going somewhere, they're, it, you come up. They're like, but Morgan really likes the traditional Christmas. I'm like, who gives? I will come. But my other thing too is right now is like, we've always done this Christmas with our grandparents and we just, every year, I mean, you can't do this forever, but every year we're like, they don't have many left. No, I agree with that. And like that, that's something that's nostalgic is my, the grandparent aspect, like the magic cookies, the shrimp cocktail, like that. I'm always thinking that for Christmas, but. You know, it's the parents like I had this. This kind of realization last Christmas like it's the parents that make Christmas magical like that do all the things leading up to Christmas and that choose to, you know, read the night before Christmas every Christmas Eve and have the magic cookies. It's a lot of effort and work on the parents, but when they put it in like it is magical and so like I was last last Christmas I was thinking, you know, our mom and. Our grandma for just like for holding this tradition down for the past 25 years at minimum. Yeah, no, you're right. And maybe when I am a parent, I'll understand. But I also think being like on the younger end of the children, like, you know, certain things were spoiled for me prematurely and some magic was taken away. Okay, so you're just holding, harboring some negative feelings towards us. I remember being very good about, like, keeping the spirit of Christmas alive for you and Travis. Yeah, I don't know. I will say this, from what we saw of the decorations this year, Was not my favorite. Like, I did not think it was the best I've ever seen. I don't like it when it looks like we're on a studio set for a photo shoot. Yeah. I didn't like that with the gingerbread houses. Like, I don't know. I think they've gone a little bit. I think when Courtney does it, it's my favorite the way she approached it. Yes, that's what I was thinking the last one I remember seeing of Courtney. It was just more homey. Yes, so Yeah, I'm sorry. It was mid. It's just funny though Christmas in July I feel like we had their other Christmas last July too Yeah, because we're just almost exactly six months off from when they film. Yeah. So. Fun. Okay. Are you ready to rumble? Yeah. Bring it on. Let's start talking about the main theme of this episode between Chloe and Kim. Mm hmm. Mm hmm. At the beginning of the episode, Chloe kind of gets her own time to really talk about her stance as a mom. And I really appreciated a lot of the things that she said. She talks about, my kids aren't gonna look back and wish that I worked more or that I took more time away from them. Yeah. That struck me. Yes. She was like, they're not gonna be saying like, yeah, I wish you worked more. They'd be saying, where were you? Where were you? Yes. And I burn. Yeah. That was, that was directed a certain way. Yes. Miss workaholic. And I also appreciated her just acknowledging like the age of her children, right? Like, This, she's not saying that she's going to be like this forever, but they want to spend time with her right now. And that's so true. They're going to hit early adolescence. They're going to start wanting to spend time with their friends. And then, you know what I mean? I also feel like Chloe isn't someone who I've ever been concerned about, like losing their whole identity and being a mom, because that is something that isn't really healthy and that I've seen happen with other people in my life. And she still had, like, she's still running a business of Good American. She still spends time with her friends who she actually cares about. Malika, she spends time with her family. Like, I'm just like, I don't feel like she, she still does what she loves and enjoys, like exercising and all of those things. So my whole takeaway from her whole spiel was just that I, I really love Chloe and I feel like compared to a normal middle class mom, I actually think she's really chill. Yeah, I don't, and I think she pointed that out too, it's like, she's like, I'm not strict, we just have a schedule, like, a general schedule that we keep, which is the same thing I do, it's the same thing a lot of parents do. And there's nothing wrong with that. And she's right. Like, it has become a battle of mom shaming. Yeah. Like, she's being shamed for the way she parents when Kim thinks that Khloe is shaming her. I thought that was a really good point. Yes. Yeah. And so, then we have like that whole conversation of Kim, And Chloe on Kim's bed. Kim is wearing the most ridiculous pants I've ever seen. She's as insane as her pants were. Those were hideous. She looks like an effing clown. Okay, so I can understand, like, what it's like to have a sister, or Or someone that's really close to you where their child always looks perfect. They're always going to school with the perfect lunchbox or packed, perfectly packed lunch. They always have the perfect outfit on the perfect hair done. Who is it? And that's. I'm just meaning, I don't know anybody like that, but I'm saying I could understand the frustration in that because I am very much on the other end of that spectrum where I used to be like wanting to be like that more of like, let me get your hair taken care of. It's crazy. Let's put on a matching outfit. But I have really just let that go all out the window because. It's just not the battle I want to fight anymore. So yeah, Elise loves to do her own hair. And so she goes and puts gel on her dry hair and doesn't let me touch it. Yeah. Both of my girls dress themselves. One day she walked out of the house wearing two different shoes. And I was just like, I can't, I can't be bothered. So I know I'm the parent out there with these ragtag looking children. So I can understand where it's like, and not that this happens to Kim frequently at all. But it happened to her once where she let Shai leave the house with Shai doing whatever Shai wanted to do and then she immediately hears from Chloe saying, Can I fix Shai's hair? I can understand like how that rubbed her the wrong way. Really? To a degree, yeah. Girl, no. She's making a mountain out of a molehill. I could not relate to it. I was like, I heard Chloe, the second that she said, I asked because I feel like you would have been frustrated at me if I didn't ask because there are times where what she has on or how she looks is a certain way. And that, I don't know what that struck in me, a memory of Kim from years past, but I was like, Yes, that's the most Kim move I've ever heard. Right. I guess I, I mean, no, I don't think it was something that needed to be addressed, but I can understand how, like, Kim would just be feeling like, you know, she's, she runs herself a lot. more ragged than Chloe does. And so she's just feeling like this comparison, she's comparing herself to Chloe. And so in this moment, when Chloe, who has the perfect, who's the perfect mom and has the perfect kids, calls her and says, I need to fix your daughter's hair. Can I fix her hair? How that like rubs Kim the wrong way a little bit. I agree with Chloe, though, in the fact that, like, that's Kim's problem. No, for sure. It is Kim's problem. Maybe if she would just stop trying to conquer every business endeavor she's ever seen or that's ever went across her desk, then maybe she wouldn't feel so insu Like, I'm not I'm not trying to mom shame either, but she clearly is projecting a lot of insecurities and feeling some type of way and she's talked a lot this season about how like, I'm gonna be stricter with my kids and like, and I'm kind of with Chloe like then be about it. Like, no, I agree. I don't know. She is feeling insecure and she's throwing that back on Chloe, for sure. Which is not, I don't think it's cool, I don't think, I No, no. It's, it's, it's not worth having a conversation. But maybe if it helps her in the long run realize like, Oh, you know, I am projecting. This is my issue. Yeah. Like, yeah, she's just trying to help my daughter get ready for school. If I, you know, if I want to be better about that, I can set some things aside. She never will, though. No. What do you think about the argument of, you know, What happened at the lifers dinner, which I don't know about you, but after this episode, I feel like Kim said life for so many times that it lost all meaning. I'm like, I don't even know what that means anymore. And then it sounded like there's a bunch of other people there too. Exactly. Exactly. So I, apparently the story from how we've heard it is Chloe walks in on the phone with her kid. And the whole argument from Kim's perspective is that Chloe wasn't being present. And was rushing things. Yeah, actually on this one I'm gonna side with Kim. It doesn't count as going out if the whole time you're just, like, ready to leave. Fair. And I can tell you, like, already from, like, the snippet of we saw of next week's episode where, like, Chloe's, uh, Having to FaceTime true all the time. Like it's just beside it's besides the point, like when I go on a trip and I leave my girls with my parents, mom will not let me FaceTime them really. And she will not send me a bunch of pictures. She says, you're on this trip to enjoy your time away from these kids. Like you don't need to be checking in all the time. You don't need to be talking to them. Like. In the case of my kids, a lot of times facetiming them just kind of upsets them, makes them miss me. However, I would, I would want to push up against that, that Chloe has traveled a lot more than us average people do. Even though Kim likes to make it look like she never leaves the house, she's already been on, 10 times the trips we have in the year. And so I feel like when that's your lifestyle, it's super important to establish like, okay, I'm going to call you every night because I take a trip once a month. And so if I didn't, then we would be missing a lot of nighttime conversation or you know what I mean, like just show me and I also just feel like I don't understand what Kim wants from her, right? Because she wants her to go out and so she goes out and you have to expect that someone who's not going out a lot is going to want to leave. Right. Like this is almost this exposure therapy of like, okay, I'm going to go out, but I'm, I'm going to like say goodnight to true on my way in. And yeah, maybe I do want to leave the party a little early, but it's like, when is a win? Like she went out of the house. She was evidently socializing with a lot of different people, new people she hadn't met before. It's just, it's, she's so critical. It's just, it's so ironic to me how critical Kim is of Chloe When we really lay things out, Chloe's most likely a better mom, a more stable mom, more attached mom. Yeah, no. That's all. I agree. I don't disagree with any aspect of that. I just feel like knowing Chloe, knowing who she has been in the past, knowing the relationship that Kim and Chloe have, like, I would feel the same thing if If I were with you, right? Like, yes, I understand that you don't leave the house. This is a win, but like, I expect you to be in when you're in. Yeah. And I think I, I think it's okay to expect that of your, of someone, you know, that well, That's fair. But I do think it was funny how cool. Chloe asked her, like, do you feel like you're always present? She's like, no, and that's something I can work on. And that's like while she's taking a, doing something on the phone. And where was that response? Like, but then the conversation on the bed, she's just like projecting everything, taking zero ownership for things she could work on. Yeah. I'm like, I, you know, I don't, I don't buy into Kim's all like holier than thou like, oh yes, I can accept feedback and that's something I need to work on. Um, no. Right. There's like a lot of unawareness for her and I feel like Chloe has a lot of self awareness. Yeah. Yeah, I agree. And I mean, obviously we've heard Chloe talk about this every single episode. So it's just something that she's hearing from them constantly. I can't remember where I was going with this, but like, I understand that, like, she's just had enough of it. Being annoyed. Leave it, leave it alone. I also don't think that, that Kim is taking the right approach at all in the sense of like, if this is really about Khloe being present, let's make it about Khloe being present. Versus Why do you have to make like it's she's making like the kids the enemy or like on some other side Like why do you have to call your kids or like if you're on a trip and your friend won't stop talking to their boyfriend You're like mad at the boyfriend when really it's like why won't you just be present in the moment? Yeah, so it's like not the right it's nothing to do with her parenting if that's the real thing Right, and also I just think it's super norm Like I'm not a mom But I think it's super normal for parents like check their phone when they're not around their kids if the sitter has messaged them Or wanna like call and say like I know our mom doesn't do that And that's a little different because you're leaving them with your mom Yeah, their grandma and a lot of the reasons why she doesn't do that is because it will upset the kids and she doesn't want to deal with that, which I understand. But like when they're left with not a relative, um, I don't know. I just feel like that's more than normal behavior. Yeah, for sure. I don't think there's anything wrong with what Chloe's doing in the long run. I am interested to see how it plays out next episode because her taking FaceTime phone calls at the, at the table. Which I'm sure they all have done and will do at some point in time, but there's nothing more chaotic than, like, FaceTiming kids. So I can understand where, like, that's when they start rolling their eyes of, like, you're always talking to your kids, now we're trying to eat out at this restaurant, and here you are talking to your kids again. Like, it's just kind of a big distraction for everybody. I just really want Chloe to, like, snap back, honestly. And, like, cause Kim's just railing into her about her parents. Like, I wanted her so bad to be, like, Why don't you quit one of your 20, 000 jobs and actually spend time with your kids instead of projecting all your insecurities on me? Like it's so impressive to me how much she's taken the high road in these conversations and not done the slow blows that like Kim is doing. She keeps telling her she has a stick up her ass. Yeah, no, Kim needs to be put in her place, and I think people have tried, but she just doesn't care. She's like, okay, I'm a workaholic, so sue me. But all of this brings me back to Courtney saying that she's going to Australia for a month. Like, where are your other kids during your, like, are they going to Australia with her for a month? Um, they did. They did. Okay. I don't know if they were there for the whole month or half the month, like if someone flew them out halfway through, but her kids were in Australia with her. Okay, cool. For at least some time variation. Cause I remember seeing it on Instagram and I had that thought too. I was like, dude, do her older kids, I mean, I could see school. I don't know. I do have a lot of questions about, like, Scott and Courtney's co parenting relationship. So I'm like, does Scott fly them to Australia and just, like, have a little vacay himself because he might as well? Or do they have someone that flies them there? Because it, from what I saw on Instagram, it wasn't that they, like, showed up with court and left with court. Right. It's just interesting, like, the way they talk. The way they talk is just like, Oh, I'm bringing the baby to Australia for a month. I'm like, so you're just leaving your other three kids like, you know, it is good to have that clarity. Mm hmm. Yeah. That's what was so funny. Like when. Kim was like, I can't believe Kourtney's a mom. I was like, bitch, she been a mom. What? She's like, and then there's like this big pause again of four kids. I'm like, okay. I did like how in the argument at the end of the episode Khloe throws out to Kim that like, I don't have a 24 hour nanny. So there, there we heard it. Like that Kim has some, at least one person in her house 24 hours a day. 24 7. Yeah. That's wild. I don't know what these nannies need to be doing in the middle of the night, but. We need to, like, get the Swifty community together. And need them to somehow find us all of these answers that we are looking for. Cause I know that they can. Yeah. Cause I need to know how many nannies there are. How long they're there. Like, how many chefs there are. How many cleaners there are. I just need this information. I agree. I'd like to know. I'm sure it's probably out there if we, we looked at all. I don't, I think Google did a few times and I haven't gotten anything within like five links. Yeah. But maybe if I went harder, one day the inspiration will strike. You'll get to the bottom of it. Yeah. Do you have any, remaining thoughts on this episode. I feel like I got all of everything I needed to out. I'm excited that we're going to skip a week actually, because I just feel like there will be so much content for us to discuss. For sure. Yeah. I'm scrolling back through my notes and I think we covered everything. Okay. Yeah. So I agree. Um, two weeks from now will be great because we'll yeah, have a lot of new fresh content. That we'll get to dive into. Yeah, very bold of them to put out an episode on the 4th of July. I was wondering if they would do it a day earlier, um, but I don't think so. What episode are we on? I don't think we're This was six, episode six. Yeah, so I think we at least have a, like, maybe three or four more. Four. I think they do ten episodes. Okay. Okay. Good. That's good enough for me. Yep. All right, well, love ya bye. Love ya bye.