Hot Kakes: Recapping The Kardashians

The Kardashians: The One With All The Kris'

Christian Berry Season 2 Episode 7

This week OG sisters Morgan and Noelle are joined with a special guest. The girlies discuss the oh so anticipated end of Dolce gate, Kim being raw with her emotions, and of course the queens special night. You wont want to miss this episode as it contains fun tangents, a guest star, and of course delicious pipping hot kakes. 

hi everyone. Welcome back to Hot Cakes. We are three sisters recapping every episode of the Kardashians, and this week we are lucky enough to have yet again. Another guest star, another family star. Oh, family. I'm flattered. We have with us Sarah, um, soon to be Barry. We've mentioned her name, dropped her a few times in some of our episodes. Um, Christian has like, she's a bridesmaid, so she has like a bunch of bachelorette bridesmaids duties this week she wasn't able to make it. So we have Sarah with us. Yes, Sarah, our future sister-in-law. Yes. Yes. I'm so. Excited. Excited. I love the Kardashians and I love your podcast. So when Morgan asked me I was like, uh, absolutely. Yes. I think Travis got you listening before you guys started dating, right? Yeah, I listened. Yeah, cuz we started talking like back in December and I started listening to it. So, I'm an OG fan. Yes. Cuz he would always brag like, oh, I have friends that like the Kardashians, like they listen to the podcasts. So tell us, Sarah, like how, um, long have you been following along with the Kardashians? Like how avid of a fan are you? Yeah, so I grew up watching the Kardashians. I remember. I don't really remember, like at what age I started watching'em, but I have an older sister and so she would watch the Kardashians and we'd come home from school and we would turn on E News, or not E News, but like E The channel. Yeah. Yeah. And channel 53 on cable. And we would just watch the Kardashians. And I remember like when Kendall and Kylie were like 12 and Bruce and how he was like obsessed with like helicopters and like all that. So. I have been a fan since like 2008, so I love the Kardashians. Gosh, we love this. Mm-hmm. This is perfect. This is perfect. Well, I'm really excited to have you on. I love getting a new, fresh opinion because sometimes like, I don't know, we've been doing this for a minute, talking about the Kardashians forever, so we kind of a no as sisters where we stand, so mm-hmm. Happy to have you join. Um, and I'm really excited because this episode felt like. I know last week that episode was everything to Christian, but honestly, this one was everything to me. Okay. Like, I literally laughed and I cried and it felt you cried long. Yeah. I cr I'll tell you later where I cried. It felt so long to me was it longer probably. I want think time check because maybe it was just cause I was trying to listen to it or I, this is where I'm at now. I watch it on my phone with my headphones in while my kids are doing other things slash watching stuff on the tv, and so I have to keep stopping and helping them with different things. So I felt like it took me forever to get through the episode, but yeah. Yeah, it was a longer one than I. At least it felt longer. There's a lot more content, like actual quality stuff, I felt like. Yeah. So they kind of sprung the conversation between Courtney and Kim on us, because I know we've been saying for a while like, oh my gosh, they're gonna drag this out till the end of the season. It's all we're gonna be hearing about. So I was surprised by that being the episode opener. Yeah. Share. Tell me your thoughts on that conversation to start. Okay. I'm just gonna jump right in. Bring I, I don't know if I'm just like, not smart enough or like, maybe I'm not like super invested in the drama, but I did not understand Courtney, like, I was trying to like, understand Courtney's point of view and like where she was coming from. Mm. And I watched, I went back and I watched the. Like the wedding documentary. Oh yeah. Just cuz I wanted to know more about like where, where is she coming from? And honestly, Courtney, the more she like opens her mouth, the more I just don't like her. And I'm like, girl, what are you talking about? There was one point in the conversation when Kim was like, I thought Kim handled this so well. And she was like, I totally feel you. Like I'm so sorry my actions made you feel like this. And like, I don't think Kim really felt like that, but she. Helped Courtney feel heard, which I appreciate. Yeah. You know, but there was one point in the conversation where Kim was like, you know, I really did this thing, not for the money, but like I wanted the challenge cuz she doesn't feel like she can. Like hold her own in like the fashion industry, whatever. And, and then Courtney was like, well, like, but like, why did you do it? Like, why do you feel like you have to like, yeah. Have everything and all this? And I was watching it with Travis and I was like, this girl is like, that's like asking like someone who's like a doctor or like. Someone who's like a professional in their career, like, why do you do it? Like, why are you passionate about this? Mm. And like, Kim just likes fashion. Like, it doesn't matter. Like, Courtney, why are you so weird with your husband? Like, I don't, I don't, I couldn't understand her like reasoning and I was like, just shut up. Like, It was just really weird to me. Yeah. She sounds so hung up and thinking that Kim is chasing the money, and I'm like, that could not be further from the truth. Mm-hmm. I wish Kim would've spoken on that point more. She did mention it, of course. She was like, if you think I'm doing this for the money and not for the experience, then you don't even really know me. And I, she says that in the interview portion and, um, I mean, I think they both handled the conversation pretty well and expressed themselves pretty well. I mean, I agree with you, Sarah, that Courtney just where she's coming from, it's just hard to be sympathetic towards. Mm-hmm. And I loved how Kim was like, okay, so let's say I did come to you and ask you for your blessing. What would you have said? And Courtney was like, well, I normally would've said yes. And so it's like, then, then that should be the end of the conversation. Mm-hmm. Like if you want people to go after what they want to and accomplish and support them in that, then let's move on. Yeah. It felt a little tense, like there was no real resolution and, and this situation, maybe there won't be a resolution, but they just needed to talk it out so they could move on. But I felt like it was awkward when they were walking away from that. Yeah. Packy, the producer's like, I'm proud of you guys. And then she's just like, Penelope's at your house. Just so you know. I'm like, oh my gosh. No, I, I appreciate both those takes and. I do agree. Um, I think Courtney's del Lulu on this whole thing, it's not adding up. It's not checking out. I do think Kim like held, she held off on like the bringing the fire and the heat. Mm-hmm. She brought it to the interviews, like she was really like, you stole my freaking Italy wedding. And like did all of that, but didn't actually say that to Courtney, which I think was really mature. Um, And wise of her because what's that gonna benefit? But on the other hand, I also really wanted her to go off because I feel like someone needs to give Courtney a real reality check. Um, I especially because given what Kim has been going through, and we can get a little more into that later, knowing that this is like coinciding at the same time makes me feel like Courtney is a shitty sister. Yeah, I loved the point that Kim made. It's like it's something to do with Kim. Like she was saying, like there was nothing held against Kylie doing a Dolce campaign right after, yeah. Courtney's wedding. But the fact that Kim did something, there's an issue and she Courtney's like, well, that's on mom. Like I don't hold Kylie to the same standard as you. I'm like, Kylie's an adult. Like you could have this conversation with her. It's that she wanted to have beef with Kim. Yeah. I honestly kinda wonder too, like I don't think Courtney is per se, like jealous of Kim, but just how she's acting, I almost feels like she is in a way jealous. But I'm like, you make it such a big deal that you're like, I want my own thing. Like I'm not jealous kind of thing. But like her actions are. Like the opposite. I don't know. I think it is kind of weird cuz like, yeah, you're right. Like she's not getting on Kylie's case about it, but she chooses to get on Kim's case and then Kim can like, turn around. Just like, no, all said, I'm like, oh, you copied my, you took my, my wedding country, you took my performer at my wedding, all this stuff. But like, I don't know, Courtney's just stupid in itself, but. Yeah, it makes zero sense. It's just sucks to see her demise because she used to be such a good part of the show. Yeah. Mm. Like sh her, her and Chloe, that whole dynamic was like, awesome. And we loved that. And she's just so caught up and we've been seeing it happen for years now. It's just not, not the same. Yeah. What did you guys think? It was funny. I saw a TikTok played back of when Kim was like, you know, Courtney's going on her thing. Like, I just wanna be my own like individual self. And she's like, no one's trying to like rock out. Yes. It's like that. That's not who I am. I'm like, what? You've made like being a goth punk girl. Your whole personality. What do you mean? Yeah, Sarah's right, there's. So much like contradiction with Courtney between her actions and her, I don't know. Everything about it is messy. I am glad it's done. I'm glad the convo happened and it's over. Me too. Yeah. On, yeah. Onto bigger and better things. Like, here's a question I have for you guys. How much do you think Chris paid for her scan? Oh. Mm-hmm. Okay. Wait, the scan, the like MRI thing, I think that that kind of seemed like a sponsored thing. Like Oh, you're right. He was doing like a brand deal or something because they like showed like the clinic and like they had the CEO go over her scans with her. Yeah, that doesn't happen. Yeah. Meeting the head of strategy and whatever else. Yeah, that's probably so true. I. I'm sure those things are really expensive though, because I know people that need MRIs or you know, CT scans, whatever. Mm-hmm. I don't know. I don't know the differences, but like that actually need them for medical conditions they're currently suffering from and they have to get on a waiting list that's like months out. Yeah. So to get that kind of scan, I dunno, pricey. It made me wonder like, would you guys. Would you guys do that if money weren't an issue? Like I do think there's some, like ignorance is bliss type of stuff. Um, yeah. As far as like not knowing every little thing that's going on inside your body, but would you guys wanna know? No. I've had an MRI before, like I had two knee surgeries and personally, like I get claustrophobic, so I wouldn't want like my head to be in like the little tube and I feel like. I don't know. It's just like not necessary. Like obviously if there's a problem, yeah, I'm gonna go to the doctor, but just to like go get an MRI or a CT scan, like, yeah. Okay, cool. Yeah, I'm gonna say I barely keep up with the things I am supposed to do. You know, like if I weren't having babies, I would not be going to the gynecologist on a regular basis. Oh my gosh. Yeah. I mean, that's just, That's just kind of who I am right now. So I wouldn't be signing up for something extra. I do not think. I would be, and that's on having anxiety. I would wanna know what's going on, like, give me the details today. I literally opted, I went to the gynecologist today, ironically, for my annual appointment, which I do regularly, um, annually, I guess. And I opted for the breast exam. She was like, what? You don't have to have it, but you can. I'm like, yeah. Check these things out. I wanna make sure everything's okay. I want a doctor's opinion on it. So if money wasn't an issue, and I actually did have to get a CT scan recently for my circumstance that everyone on the podcast knows about. Um, and in the back of my mind I was like, I wonder if they could like tell me what's going on with other parts of my body off of this. Like I'm just, I'm very curious to know. So I was on the same wavelength as Chris, but I am a lot younger than her, so pretty sure Chris said claustrophobic. She's like, I'm not claustrophobic. Oh my gosh. So please put me in that tube and let me have some peace and quiet for 55 minutes. I think that's funny. But Noel, I have to tell you really quick. You mentioning your condition that everybody knows about. Um, my best friend who Noel knows, of course Hannah texted me, she's like, oh my gosh, I was just catching up on the pod cuz I just watched all these episodes with the Kardashians. And she's like, I have so many fart stories from Noelle when, because we were talking about that in a previous episode, and she was started talking to me about people she knows that has, it was so funny. I was like, yeah, Noelle, she just puts it all out there. I'm, I'm authentic. Yeah, keep real. What am I gonna do? What am I gonna do? Keep pretend like it's not happening. Keep still real. It's really funny though because like our whole podcast knows, but literally like my in-laws have no idea that I underwent a procedure and had like to get put out and have surgery and stuff. So I guess that just goes to show how, um, I consider this a safe and intimate space with all of the listeners. There you go. Um, okay. Another part. Okay. This is when I started crying in the episode. I said at the beginning, I cried. At one point, Kim comes into Chloe's office and has her breakdown. So to me, that all felt. Very real and raw. Yeah. And she's saying, you know, I haven't changed my clothes in two days and she's just really breaking down. It was the time when, um, Kanye was releasing all of those like, um, anti-Semitic tweets and like coming for the Jewish community and everything like that. What were your initial thoughts when you guys, um, saw Kim? Just like breaking down to Chloe. I think we've never seen Kim really break down, so like, I felt like really bad for her. Personally. I don't like, I don't really know like a lot of details about the whole Kanye thing or like the tweets. Mm-hmm. But just seeing her like break down and just, I don't know, the, the lady has a lot going on and she doesn't really have time to deal with like her psycho ex-husband, you know, and like posting these things and so, I just felt really, really sad for her. I was like, we didn't, we never see Kim cry, like ever. So that's a huge deal that like, they even kept that in the episode. Mm. Cause I feel like Kim's kind of like more private and wouldn't want that to be shown, but I mean, what, whatever, like it's on the episode, so Yeah. Really sad. Yeah, I felt like it was super genuine and she just kept saying that she couldn't get it together. She couldn't get it together. She didn't know why. And I appreciated what Chloe said to her and that like, these choices are not ours. Like we've both been in this situation where our spouses have made very poor choices, but it doesn't mean that it's can't make us sad and can't make us emotional, feel the full spectrum of emotions because. Kim was saying like, I'm worried, like, am I making things worse by making statements, you know, like sharing how I feel and how I don't, you know, side with what Kanye is saying the next day. He's hu losing huge deals that he has. Like he got dropped by Adidas and she feels some guilt in that and mainly she's just sad that like he has strayed so far from the person that she married. Yeah. Um, I'm sorry, but it, it was super sad. Yeah. Not to make this about myself, but I just don't think I have processed the Kim and Kanye divorce and this whole scene, um, made it really prevalent and real for me because I'm like Sarah, right? Like I've been with them from the get go. And I have vivid memories of sitting in my kitchen watching on the kitchen tv. Kanye proposed to Kim at the La Dodgers stadium with Will you Still Love Me When I'm, um, no longer young and beautiful playing, playing via Symphony and the whole surprise and everything. And like I cried then whenever he proposed. And I've just always felt like. More invested in this relationship and like, it's no secret that everyone thought this was the one that would stick. I mean, it did for 10 years, right? And we have all of that. But it just made me really, really sad for Kim to see her like that. Cause I agree. I, I don't think we've seen her this raw before and she really did. Lay it all out on the table, like admitting to being an hour late to a meeting just feels so unlike her, which that's how you know someone's really struggling and yeah, so I, I got emotional when she was talking about no matter how much you want that person that you loved back, it's never gonna happen. And I think in different degrees that can happen in relationships in general, right? Like we've probably all had. That boyfriend that did us wrong, but we have the memory of when things were so good and that's just really hard. Yeah. I also really loved how Chloe like was super supportive and like Chyna just like reassure her and she was like, I still feel guilty about Lamar. I'm like, oh my goodness. Yes, totally forgot about Lamar and that whole drama that went down with them, but like, I just love how Chloe was like there for her because I feel like in previous seasons, especially last season, it was everyone coming to Chloe, right? Mm-hmm. Like everyone supporting Chloe through her and Tristan, and just seeing Chloe support Kim, like that just seems genuine to me and like, okay. Yeah, they're like actual sisters. They have actual problems just like us and like they'll do anything for each other. So love Chloe. I just did a quick little fact check and Kanye proposed in San Francisco Giants Stadium. Oh, it's Giants. Okay. I don't know why. Um, but I remember from the episode there was like a lot of back and forth of trying to get everyone up to San Francisco mm-hmm. To be there for it. But, um, Yeah, I mean Chloe was telling Kim it is okay to not be okay. Yeah. Because Kim always feels like she has to be so strong for everybody else and Yeah. I appreciated that. Um, but yeah, I mean it's super sad cuz, I mean, we even saw Kanye like way back when, it might have been Kim, Kim and Chloe take New York. Mm-hmm. When they open up a dash door there, I remember Kanye comes in and it's when he's wearing like straight up the aviators that have like the lines across them. Yes. You remember those? Yes. Kanye was wearing those and he's like, flirting with Kim. Anyways, it's, it's sad. That's pretty much the only word for it. I'm super sad. Yeah, Chloe's the goat though, like that made me love her so much. I love her relationship with Kim right now and how they just have each other's backs, like through and through their, their each other's life partners. It feels like it made me, um, Start to wonder, right. Whenever they go to Kim's house in Malibu together and just her being able to like celebrate that with Kim and come up with the future plans. It, it made me wonder and worry like, what? I kind of want neither of them to find a man Oh, for a long time. And I'm just like loving this like sisterhood between the two of them being each other's partners more or less, you know? Yeah. Yeah, I, I agree. They should, um, do one of those like family communes and just live their lives together and raise their kids together. I mean, they kind of already are, I think I, I know Chris and Chloe, Chloe live, like across the street from each other, so. Mm-hmm. Yeah, and it was cool too to see the architect come in. Um, what did, what thought were having thoughts, a strong reaction to that? I have thoughts. I just thought it was weird and kind of funny, like how they used this architect to being there as this moment to be like, Kim, you're a warrior and you learned this life lesson from the architect. It just felt a little weird that they needed to turn that into a. A moment. Yeah, it was a little cringy. My thoughts, I'm like, it's, he's your architect. Like he's not someone that's super close to you. That's like here, you're a warrior, like the Samurai. Yeah. Like I'm pretty sure the first time he told her she was a warrior, it was just like him. Trying to like get her on his train and to buy what he was selling. But you know, like now it kind of is true. Like she's been through hell and back a few times, especially lately. So I'm like, but I, I thought it was cute cuz Kim's like holding the thing. She's been holding it and like kinda talking about it and then Chloe's like, you, you need to hold that. She's like, I just was like, I got all the energy from it. Like, leave me alone. It's a piece of wood. What else can I get from it? Yeah. Um, but they were talking about a guest house, right? Or was it that Miami house? No, um, so it's a guest house and the new house that they went to is in Malibu. Oh, Miami. I said Miami. Yeah. Yeah. Malibu. I have a thought about that whole scene about them going to the Malibu house. It kind of like, I don't know. I know they have plenty of properties, but it kind of made it seem like this was like her second house. Like this is her, like the her second home that she's buying. But I kind of wondered like how many properties do they actually own, like. They're kind of like hyping it up just a little too much. I'm like, don't you have like a house in like, I don't know, in Wyoming? Yeah. Yeah. But maybe that might be Kanye's Ranch in Wyoming. Yeah, but you're right. There's no way. This is like the second property she's bought. I, yeah, it was. I was feeling the same way as you, Sarah. But I guess that it's good that they recognize like that this is still, like, this is a huge privilege to be buying Oh yeah. Beachfront property in Malibu. So yeah, looking into it, all I can find, um, is that she's alleged to have at least four homes. Many of which are located within close proximity to one another, which makes me kind of wonder about, um, remember how like Chris had that condo she forgot about in Beverly Hills? Yes. Like if maybe Kim has little thing, I mean, they're not little, but you know, like smaller scale to them things. Properties, is that the word you used when you just looked it up? Mm-hmm. So maybe that counts like their, her office space. Oh, yeah. Where we see them filming a lot, um, where she does all her photo shoots and everything. Uh, I think she, like has, I know that she stores everything she's ever worn. Yeah. And it's all like in this huge storage, so yeah. I don't know. Hmm. It might be her second home. You never know. I mean, you have a good point. Like a store, like a storage unit is not like a house, you know? Right, right. Yeah. So that's true. Could be, who knows? She kind of called that out though. Like she kind of said something along the lines of like, we know this isn't normal. Right? Yeah. But it's still an accomplishment nonetheless, which is true. Um, so. Yeah, I thought it was really cool to see. I mean, honestly, I can't hate on it because that's what I've been asking for is a right freaking home tour so I can settle for the Malibu home tour. Um, and seeing her lay on the couch and try to get Saint to put his phone down, like, yeah, we had her like dish up dinner. The motherhood montage. Yeah. What did you guys think? Any thoughts on that at all? I loved that part. I think that was like my favorite part of the episode because I think we've talked about this before, Noel, but we wanna see like more in like their everyday lives. Yes. And like, I mean, we see some of, like, we see a little bit of her kids, but not like a lot. But I feel like that was like the most like screen time or like exposure they've had to the show. Mm-hmm. And so I love seeing like, I don't know. In my mind I just kind of assumed Kim was like never home and like the nannies do all that, but she actually like sat down and like ate dinner with them. Like that's. That's amazing. Like I love that for her and like just having her talk about, what did she say? She's like, it's like changing like 10 different tires at the same time. Yeah. Mm-hmm. I can't remember the analogy, but just a pit stop of having to go through and do everything so quickly for all of'em. Yeah. Yeah. So I thought that was really cool that they included that in the episode. So yeah, I thought it was really sweet, especially. Considering we know how low she was at that point and for her to be able to, or for them to even be able to capture her spending that quality time with the biggest benefit of this horrible situation with Kanye and like the best gifts she's ever received in life being her children. I thought that was really special and it kind of brought it really full circle in my perspective of. Her saying, you know, repeatedly, like at the end of the day, my babies are what matters the most to me. And it was almost seemed as though like that time was healing for her. Like, I can't handle anything else in the world right now, so I just need to spend, be with my kids. And I noticed. Like, I don't know how true this is, but I made some assumptions. It looked like at their food that they had some like chicken and broccoli or something. Literally everyone was eating cereal. Like the cereal. I thought it was soup. No, it was cereal. Cuz I all, I'm pouring milk in the bowl. Really? And I just like, oh really? That's funny. That's that. Feels classic mom of like, I, not that she made the dinner, the chef made this dinner, or whoever made it. They're not gonna eat their veggies, but she don't have the energy. We'll just all have some lucky charms. Yeah. For dinner, you know? And I feel like I didn't catch that. That's funny. Yeah. I think too, I wanna know what. How much you guys buy into like her? We've talked about it before, but I feel like she pretty much said outright, like, I do morning and bedtime routine, so I am really feeling like there's no nanny before school or after maybe like eight o'clock at night or something. There's cleaners, there's a chef, there's security. I don't know if there's. Um, nanny, I have my doubts. Really? I don't think she's ever there alone. Well, I'm saying all those other people don't hear that. I know, but I think there's probably a nanny always, like in shouting distance. Really? Okay. Yeah. Fair. I feel like, yeah, I feel like there's definitely a nanny there too. Maybe someone like on call just, just in case, but. Yeah, there's no way, cuz she is gone a lot like when she takes those like trips to like Italy. Like there has to be someone obviously. Yeah. But that's what makes me think that like the nannies, she uses them like after school, before dinner, bedtime stuff, but not for bedtime. And then like when she's gone, she obviously uses them. So it makes me feel like when she is home, she's like trying to use them a little less. But I guess we'll probably never know. Yeah. Maybe I need to, you know, give her the benefit of the doubt, but I'm just assuming they always have so much help. Yeah, and I mean, granted we only see them when they're filming, so maybe there's always a nanny there when they're filming, you know, someone to help with the kids, which would obviously make sense, but I don't know. man. I have to apologize guys. I have not stopped yawning the whole time we've been on this call. I am just so exhausted. I feel like I've been so social today. Oh, good for you. I know. I secured a friend today at the gym and I'm super excited about it. She asked me for my number. Oh, wow. Oh wow. Yeah. So we're taking it outside of the gym. So cute. It started with that, and then Cole's cousin is in town, so she came over with her daughter and we did that for a while, and then we had people over for dinner. So I just feel drained. I'm like so tired and yeah, so that's why I keep yawning. I'm sorry. It's okay. Don't apologize. We've, we've had, Busy days too. Actually. I've realized that I hadn't really spoken to anyone all day. I work from home, um, two days of the week, one of them being Thursday. So when I did go to the said gynecologist, um, I was like talking to her way more than was appropriate or than I should have been. And, uh, leaving, walking out, I was like, wow, that was not my coolest. Moment. You know those like it's fine, those reels when it's like, oh, whenever the gynecologist is coming in and you like hide your underwear, like they're not about to just see everything. You were flashing the underwear. You were like, yeah, come on in here. I need a friend today. Well, I was asking her like some sexual questions, like what? Not anything. Ugh. Okay. I'll just say this cause it's like, ok. It's a soapbox that I've been on for a minute. Um, and I'm try to say it in the most like, polite way possible. I get into these arguments pretty frequently with some of my. I don't know, maybe you could describe them as like conservative friends. And it's about different forms of birth control. And the best way to put it is that I have these people in my life that are telling me that one form of birth control, a k a, taking the pill isn't enough. I need to also be doing other methods at the same time in order to actually be effective what I need to be. Yeah. Dead serious, and I, it's been a hill that I've been dying on. I get into very like, aggravated conversations. Yeah. Because I'm like, that is not true. No, that's not the science, that's not the case if you're taking it properly, 100% not true. Thousand percent. You don't need like condoms, you don't need to pull out, like that's not the case. So I, my, my gynecologist as they always do is like, do you have any questions for me? Like, I'm like, everything's completely normal. So I'm just like, no. And I sit there and I'm like, actually riddle me this. And I'm like, I just want like to be able to bring to the table next time I have this conversation. Cuz it happens like once every three to six months probably. That my doctor told me that's not true. Um, and they were like appalled. I, it was a doctor and a nurse practitioner in there and they were like, what was this coming? Why do these arguments come from women or men? They come from men, but that their female partners also. And one of them being a nurse, like I have a married couple friend and she's a literal nurse, and I'm talking to her husband and he's like, no, like that's what so-and-so says to do. And I'm like, You guys are doing yourself a huge disservice. Yeah. 1000%. Well, anyway. No, I'm gonna be dying on that hill. Yeah. The rest of my life, I remember I was at one of my friend's bachelor at parties and she's like, I don't wanna have a baby. I don't wanna have a baby. Like I'm gonna be on the pill and we're gonna be using condoms and doing all the things. And I'm like, first of all, you're not gonna wanna use a condom. So just like quit thinking that you're gonna wanna do that. Um, being as someone. Coming from someone who's always been on the pill. I don't understand how the spontaneity can work as well when you are reliant on condoms. Anyways, this is getting way too off topic, but yeah, I agree with you. That's so stupid. I can't believe people are that dumb. Yeah, but I, I've, it's happened with so many different people that. It made me start to question myself. Why do you call them conservative friends? This is like, are they like, yeah. When you said that were saying religious. Ok. Religious, inexperienced, sexually, probably undereducated sexually. Utah has a really bad sex education system in place. Um, so maybe that's the better way to put it. Like they are. Are undereducated and have not really had much experience with sex. And so that's their, that's what they've been somehow convinced us led to believe. Mm, yeah. But they believe it. But I talked to my doctor. So anyway, not even sure how we really got here, but that's just some education for everyone. I hadn't talked to anyone all day. I'm not socially drained like Morgan. Um, so I had to get it out with my gynecologist too. Now I might be okay. Wait though, we just got a text from our other sister-in-law. Trish, and it is a tweet saying that Tom Brady and Kim Kardashian were seen being very flirty at the July 4th party that a ton of celebrities were at. Hmm. You know, there was, who predicted that? Who called that? Was it you, yours, truly? Yes, Sarah. It was me. Congrats. Thank you. So I'm very interested to see what might be there. You know, Kanye was at that party, shut up, was he? Mm-hmm. And it's super interesting that she would choose to, not that because Clooney was there, but that Tom Brady's the person she chose to be flirty with out of. Everyone there because it's like a huge annual white party on the 4th of July. Um, the guy that owns fanatics, like sports fanatics, he puts it on every single year. He is just like this million billionaire, but there's like every Alister celebrity, um, athlete is there and like, honestly, hot take. I don't think Tom Brady is like that hot. I agree. I think he is. He just looks average. Yeah, he looks an average looking dude, but he g glowed up for sure. Like when he, when he will do that. When he entered the N F L versus when he left the N F L, he looks way more attractive. Yeah. But I think in this instance, you're attracted to the athleticism and the success. True. And the lack of drama. Drama. She probably likes that aspect. Okay, well sorry for the tangents everyone. Hope you loved them. Um, we need to talk about Chris's birthday party. This is when I was laughing. I said I cried and this is when I laughed. So fun. I whose look did you like the best? Whose Chris's look Okay, I thought, I thought Courtney looked the best like she could pull off the pixie haircut. I thought everyone else. Couldn't. I thought Courtney really was so cute. Yeah, I thought she looked so cute. And like, I normally don't really like Courtney, but to in that part of the episode, I'm like, okay, I like you Courtney, cuz you look so cute. And I just, I thought she pulled it off so nicely. Well, playing the mean Girls mom is a fun role. Um, so that was cute. I think Kylie looked super good and um, Kim looked super good as well. Yeah, Kylie just looked. Hot. She looked great. Yeah. I was like, dang. Yeah. Chris got them jeans and she really did pass'em down to all these girls making'em look so good. I agree with Sarah. Um, that I almost wonder like how intentionally. Putting these different stories together in the episode where it was, because like beginning of the episode, I'm like hating Courtney. I've kind of been disliking her all season and then this party that she threw just made me really like her. Like I just appreciated, I, I agree with Chloe when they had that little convo in Kim's room, I've always gotten the vibe that like Courtney hates her mom. Like that's always the narrative that we're getting fed through the show. Um, so to hear Courtney be like, I don't actually hate my mom the way that like you guys think I do, I know I kind of felt a little bit bad for Courtney in that moment. Cause Chloe was like, well make the party something she would like, and Courtney's like, I know how to throw a party for someone. Yeah. I felt bad for a little bit, a little bit for, I'm like, this is like a 44 year old woman, like cut her some slack. She can. Handle some adult relationships. Maybe not all of'em, but mm-hmm. I also feel like too, like social media and just, I feel like people kind of feed into the fact that like, either Courtney doesn't like Chris or Chris doesn't like Courtney. Cuz I was on Twitter the other day and this was obviously stupid, but there was like this stupid article that's like, Chris is not supportive of Courtney's pregnancy. And so of course I clicked on it and it was like, it was like cri, like. All of Courtney's sisters congratulated her like hours after she posted on Instagram and Chris didn't comment until like two days later. So she's not supportive. And I'm like, this is so ridiculous. But like, yeah, like that part of the episode. I'm like, yeah, obviously like Chris loves Courtney, like that's her daughter. And obviously Courtney loves Chris cuz that's her mom. Like I just think it's a little ridiculous how sometimes people, I don't know. Poor Chris. She probably like dmd Courtney, congrats. Thinking that she posted a comment. Yeah. But just like being a boomer didn't really know what was going on. That's a really good point. And yeah, I, I just couldn't stop smiling the whole time because I just thought it was a really good way for the episode. To end, we start with the hi drama. That kind of gets resolved as much as it probably will be. We go through the dumps with Kim and then we come out celebrating Chris and having. The whole family, more or less together. Um, I loved that all of the food was her favorite. Like I, someone throw me that party. I know everyone come dressed like me. How self absorbed can I be? Well, I wanna do that for our mom. I wish we had the means, like to have people style us and give us wigs and cut them to look like mom, but we don't. Yeah. We could try, we would probably come out looking pretty redneck, but it's my shot. Again, I loved the montage of all the toasting and just like making fun of Chris and like how, how this just goes on and on forever of them just talking about how much they all love each other. I must say. I think it's that like age group, cuz my mom, she is like, What, 62? Chris is a little bit older than my mom. And then your mom is, how old is she? Like 59. Nine? Yeah. 50 years. But our mom's talked on the phone the other day and they talked for an hour and a half about literally nothing. Oh my gosh. So they're literally going back and forth Your, your son's so great. No, your daughter's so great. Literally just like ping pong in it. Yeah. So I think it's just the age group of those ladies where they just, they're in their fields. They're kind, they're not old, but they're not young. They wanna feel young and they can just like talk about literally nothing for hours on end. Yeah. Well Noelle and I do that every day, honestly. Honestly. Same, but it's not as much of like. Complimenting each other. Maybe we should have like a second phone call every day where we just go back and forth saying how much we love each other. Yeah. Okay. I just thought it was funny. I put in my notes like even everything was crisp themed, right? Like the whole party and then it just killed me. I was like, even the toast were like crisp themed, like they let them go on for hours, yada, yada, yada. Oh yeah, it was good. This is by far my favorite episode from this season. Oh, okay. Strong words. Yeah. I did love, like, that's just a little bit of old school, Courtney, and like she talks, she mentions like, you know, all the other sisters leave the party, but Chloe and I are just like, we're in our, we're in our best when we're together and they just partied all night with the old ladies. Wait, can you guys remember the name of that dessert? Oh, Kraken Bush or whatever. Yeah, that's it. Kraken, Kraken Bush, Kraken Bush. That whole thing was having me laugh a lot too. Maybe we should make that for. The wedding. Sarah, do you want, do you want a commission one? Absolutely. I don't wanna get an like an actual cake, so might as well get some Kraken boosh, CRO Boosh, Kraken. I think I would just buy some cream puffs from Costco, stack'em all up and find something put like you poke him into a styrofoam like Christmas tree or something. I have no idea how to spell that. That's so fun. Yeah. Uh, got it. What's it to give it to us? It's French. Oh, okay. Cro bush, spelled c r o q u e n b o u c h e. Okay. Oh, it looks like it's some kind of caramel maybe that's like over it. That's keeping it all together. Yeah. So you have it. Do you guys remember what it said is coming up on the next episode? Yes. I was just so enjoying the moment with this one that I didn't pay attention. Okay. I'm super excited about this because in the, like the, like. Preview for the next episode. It's Chloe Throwing Dream, her birthday party, and I am praying that Rob is in this episode. If Rob is in this episode, I will literally, I will cry cuz I miss Rob. I love Rob. I know, me too. Love Rob. And then there's um, there's like another scene where like Kim has this like huge announcement. I'm sure it's nothing but Yeah. Yeah, I would bet it's the house. Like, I think maybe only Chloe knows about it or something. Yeah. Yeah. Wow. That gives us something to look forward to. Oh my gosh. Oh no, it's not next week. How many episodes are left? I don't know. Like are we gonna record when we're all together in Tahoe in two weeks? I hope so. I mean, we're gonna have to, I hope that there's an episode that will be, there's no way. This is the finale. So. Yeah, maybe we can do it like on Instagram Live or something. You think people will wanna like tune in. Wait, you guys have an Instagram? No. Okay. Thanks for that reminder. Oh my gosh, Sarah haven't been plugging the Instagram. Everyone falls on hotcakes pod, Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube. But I make zero promises because I've been fighting with technology constantly this season. I do apologize. I'm trying to enter my like, podcast. Podcast influencer era, but I'm struggling. I can't do the YouTube. It's so, anyways, that's a different battle. Let's just Okay. Subscribe. Regardless. Regardless. I'll take on YouTube. You need to get back on our TikTok game. I can do that. I love a good TikTok. Follow us, even though we haven't been posting a lot lately. Just hang in. In here. Yeah. Stay tuned. Um, we've thoroughly enjoyed having Sarah on. If you like her better than Christian, let us know. Um, because she can be replaced. Oh. Because she's gonna be a new sister. We need to get Trish on here and eventually maybe we'll have had the whole fam on. Yeah. You guys took a episode where all the husbands do it and you guys aren't even on it. Oh my gosh. That would be interesting. That would be a nightmare. I don't know if I can, can get my, trust them with our, what? Our baby, like whatever we wanna call this, maybe like a bonus episode. That doesn't really count for anything that's not actually recapping. Oh, okay. Well, love you guys. Um, it's been fun. We'll see you next week. Okay, bye. Okay, bye.